Kulia I Ka Nu'u

“To rise above”

Our Mission

At Spirit Horse Ranch, our mission is to provide transformative equine-assisted services that foster trauma recovery, suicide prevention, and resilience building for individuals and communities. We are dedicated to supporting children, first responders, mental health practitioners, and families through innovative, compassionate programs. With a commitment to excellence and a wealth of experience, we aim to create a healing sanctuary that empowers people to overcome challenges and thrive.

Our Vision

At Spirit Horse Ranch, we envision a world where individuals from all walks of life, especially those facing personal crises and trauma, find healing, resilience, and empowerment through the transformative bond between humans and horses. We have created a sanctuary where children, first responders, and communities affected by adversity, crisis and disasters can rebuild their lives, discover their inner strength, and foster lasting connections. We are committed to nurturing a compassionate and inclusive environment that promotes mental well-being, personal growth, and hope for a brighter future. Through our dedicated team and innovative equine-assisted services, we strive to be a beacon of support and inspiration for all who seek solace and strength.

The Need

The need for a haven like Spirit Horse Ranch has never been more pressing. Nationally, 8% (10 million) girls and 0.7% (791K) boys under age 18 have been sexually, physically, or mentally assaulted. Experiencing sexual violence as a child makes it more likely the survivor will experience re-victimization in adulthood, with 30% of adult rape victims having been first assaulted before they were 18. In 2017, suicide became the second leading cause of death for people ages 10 through 24.

With the mental health of our children already in a tenuous state, the global pandemic further exacerbated the situation. COVID-19 and the resulting lock downs brought fear and anxiety to people worldwide, leading to both short-term and long-term psycho social and mental health implications for children and adolescents. Suicidal idealization is at an all-time high. Our children are suffering, and the long-term impact is still unknown.

Additionally, economic adversity, such as job loss, has been observed as a precursor to harsh parenting and a risk factor for psychological maltreatment and physical abuse. Lock downs, school closures, and movement restrictions have left many children stuck with their abusers, without the safe space that school would normally offer. Our vulnerable children are even more at risk in these challenging times.

The devastation caused by the 2023 Maui wildfires has further intensified the need for mental health support in the community. The trauma experienced by survivors, especially children, has created an urgent demand for healing and resilience-building services.

The need for a haven like Spirit Horse Ranch has never been more critical. Please contact us at info@thespirithorseranch.org to request sources and more information.

Our Location

The Spirit Horse Ranch is housed on Triple L Ranch. Established in 1947, the DePonte family operates Triple L Ranch, one of the few remaining Paniolo working cattle ranches on Maui. The ranch is located in verdant, pristine, sacred, and undeveloped country on the southwest side of Haleakalā, with a combined 132 acres of lush land. Leveraging acreage, TLR will ensure solitude required for the Spirit Horse Ranch programming in a healing environment specifically curated to support the youth beneficiaries. Additionally, the program serves as a sanctuary for the retired Triple L Ranch Horses to love and be loved!

The energy of the island of Maui is unmatched. Maui radiates its special kind of energy through highly magnetic iron oxide rocks. In fact, just up the road from The Spirit Horse Ranch, the Haleakalā Volcano not only provides spectacular views it also has a special energy. The top of Haleakalā gives off a frequency which matches that of the human heart. It allows visitors to feel Maui’s energy, one which is nurturing and motherly, giving it the name “Mother Maui.” In this environment, we find ourselves connecting on a deeper level, allowing us to move more freely and feel more deeply.

Mahalo to our Sponsors

Victoria S. and Bradley L. Geist Foundation

Staff & Board

Paige DePonte, TSHR Founder
Executive Director, EAL Certified Facilitator, Natural Lifemanship TIC-EP, HeartMath Certified Mentor, Brainspotting Trained, Heartmath Trauma Sensitive Trained, Certified Belief Clearing Practitioner, Certified Mental Health First Aid

  • Paige DePonte has been close to horses for over 40 years, she founded the Triple L Ranch Horseback Tours in 2011 as a way to keep the family grass fed cattle ranch Triple L Ranch operational.  Prior to the horse tours Paige traveled to thirty- nine countries as a professional photographer, she is a published author of several photography books including a memoir titled “Nobody’s Girl under her pen name Sybil Page. Paige has produced several documentaries and written multiple film scripts, winning multiple awards. Today, Paige paints mixed media, her muse being her 15 loving horses, whom inspire her everyday and inspired the creation of this program.

    Paige traveled the world but Maui has always been her base, it brings peace, as she is a warrior for healing as she is a survivor of complex trauma herself. Paige’s passion of giving back to Maui’s community began in 2011 when her husband passed away, she found a place of healing and joy with her horses and their inspiring sentient souls. She has created the nonprofit “The Spirit Horse Ranch” as a Trauma Informed Care Equine Assisted Healing Center for children of Trauma 2021. A place to heal and rebuild positive futures for children, especially here on Maui.

    Paige is a Certified Equine Assisted Learning Facilitator for both Triple L Ranch Healing Hearts and The Spirit Horse Ranch.  Paige is also a HeartMath Trauma Informed Care Facilitator And Art Therapist. Today Paige enjoys her ranch with family of four children and ten grandchildren, her amazing horses her best buddy Blue an Australian Sheppard and her passion for protecting the future of every child.

Dennis D’arcy Banks, MD, JD/Maui Psychiatry LLC
Advisory Board

Maurissa DePonte, Board THSR Manager
Board, EAL Certified, Facilitator, Natural Lifemanship TIC-EP, Brainspotting Trained Certified Mental Health First Aid

  • Maurissa is a single mom of three amazing children. Growing up mostly in Maui, graduation from Seabury Hall, she also has had the opportunity to live and travel outside of the islands in New York and Italy. Finding herself at home on the island of Maui which has always felt like a part of her from the mountains to the ocean and brings her a certain peace. Growing up on her fathers ranch and around horses have been a blessing. Traveling with her mom and older brother have added to her appreciation of her home and the people she meets on a daily basis. Maurissa has a natural empathy which enables her to help those in the program.

Equine Professional Horse Handler

Your support helps Maui’s children heal.